Those who know me well know I love to host parties :) While the actual party is always fun, I especially love the planning that goes into it and the anticipation leading up to the event. I think parties should occur more often! There are so many reasons to celebrate :) Even if you don't feel like you're a people person, parties can help you come out of your shell and warm up to the idea of being around others. You may not feel like you're a party planner either, but someone has to host them :) Parties have a reputation of being expensive. Here are a few affordable party ideas that I love:
Recipe Exchange Parties:
For a series of months, I hosted a party each featuring a different dish: Soups, Salads, Desserts, Breads, etc. I had each guest RSVP by emailing me their recipe. I then printed out a copy of the compiled recipes for each guest. At the party, each guest brought their dish for sampling. We enjoyed good food, good company, and good conversation. It was a fun way to try new recipes!
A Favorite Things Party:
This was one of my favorites ;) Haha! For the party I had each guest fill out a questionnaire of their favorite things (document can be found here). When everyone had filled it out, we treated it like Scattergories (unbeknownst to them) and I gave the person deemed "most unique" a prize. I also had each guest bring three of one of their favorite items, individually wrapped. I put everyone's name in a bowl three times and each of us drew three pieces of paper. We went around the circle, one name at a time, exchanging gifts. I had each share why they chose what they did. Finally, at the end of the party, we had ice cream! Each guest had also brought their favorite ice cream topping :) It turned out great!
Dinner Group:
My husband and I created a dinner group for ourselves and three other couples. We had dinner together once a week and alternated hosting the group. We would usually play a board game together afterwards. It was a great way to strengthen friendships and it was nice to have a break from cooking!
Pumpkin Potluck
This year will be our 3rd annual Pumpkin Potluck. I love everything pumpkin :) I attended a pumpkin potluck when I was on a mission in Portland, Oregon. I loved it so much that I adopted the idea :) We provide the main dish and the guests bring a myriad of pumpkin dishes. We've had everything from pumpkin salad dressing to decadent pumpkin desserts. I'll be revisiting this party idea this coming fall so stay tuned for various pumpkin recipes!
Go party!