Monday, December 12, 2016

Road Trip Reminiscing

In January, Jared and I are going to go on a graduation vacation to California. Planning this trip has triggered memories of family vacations I went on growing up. In my family, we have a tradition of creating a memory song every time we go on a road trip. This tradition started by accident back in 2006; a few funny things happened on a vacation and my brother randomly started putting the events into a song with a made-up tune. From there our songs have gotten lengthier and more creative; they are now usually put to the tune of a nursery rhyme or popular song. Sometimes we create the words to the song along the way, but usually we save it for the long drive home--it makes for a great activity to pass the time while also bonding and reminiscing about the vacation. Creating these songs helps us remember the things that occurred on the trip and are fun to look back on. I hope to continue this tradition with my future family and thought I'd pass along the idea. 

Here is our first song: 
California: June 2006 (It's hard to describe the tune)
Chocolate on her pants 
Marijuana Park
Oh ma-gic gator-ade

On our vacation we passed the Hollywood sign and thought it was cool because my youngest sister is named Holly. We found it humorous that my sister, Kristen, got chocolate on the back of her pants and didn't realize it. One day we drove past Marina park and after glancing at it I said, "Marijuana Park?" My mom was quick to point out the correct title of the park ;) My brother is a fan of Gatorade and was drinking it on our trip. The way it glowed in the sunlight made it look magical. 

Here is a more recent song: 
(Due to the lengthiness of the song in and of itself, I will spare you the explanation)
Rexburg, Idaho: July 2011 (To the tune of Popcorn Poppin’)
I went to Rexburg, Idaho and what did I see?
FedEx trucks with arrows poppin’ out at me.
Got to the hotel and was disappointed;
there were no complimentary earplugs.
Stopped by the Blacks and saw Cars 2,
visited others--quite a few.
We went to big Jud’s, and ate a bunch,
then had square ice cream after lunch.
The Batts got home from Brazil and gave a report,
we had lunch down in the basketball court.
Lucky us girls had a trip of our own,
we were super duper sad to come home.

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