Saturday, September 11, 2021

Practice Preschool - Playful Perspectives Week 2

Week 2

Day 1

  • Sunbeam Lesson 11 "I am Thankful for Fish" (5 min)

Sing Five Little Speckled Frogs or 1 little, 2 little, 3 little fish. Share the story about Jonah and the Whale. 

  • Round Trip (5 min)
Read "Round Trip" by Ann Jonas. This book is neat because you read it through, turn it upside down and read it through again! Completely different book using the same pictures--upside down. Talk about seeing the world in different ways.   

  •  Aerial View Art (5 min)
The most common object for this project is a snowman. Depending on the season, however, you could substitute other objects/animals/insects.

*Materials: Paper, crayons, glue.

Talk about how things appear differently depending on where you're looking from. Explain how a snowman (or insert substitute) would look from up above. If possible, use a tangible decorative snowman as an example. Recreate with materials.

  • Snack (5 min)
Today's tip: If you're running your own preschool or are frequently having other children join, have parents send in snacks for all -- it can add up!
  • Free Play (20 min)
Big and small cars, community helpers dress up, dollhouses (Rowan loves these :O), scissor practice, role play with any current conflicts/social skills that need practice, fine motor/gross motor, etc. Field trip, magnetic toys (I recommend Connectix), various books laid out.

Day 2

  • STEAM Lesson (Technology) "Sight Tools" (5 min)
Using mirrors up against foreheads, have children draw on paper and see how tricky it is. Take a sight walk with binoculars (homemade with toilet paper rolls work great!) Look through Kaleidoscopes, telescopes, camera zoom, etc. 
  •  Perspectives from Higher Ground (5 min)

Sing, "The Bear went over the Mountain" and talk about what the bear might have seen from up high. Additional verses you may not have heard before:

The bear crossed over the river

The bear went through a forest

The bear climbed up a tree. (In this last verse, you combine all three and say that all the bear could see was the forest, river, and mountain)

  • How to Be a Dog (5 min)
Read, "How to Be a Dog" by Jo Williamson. Talk about what it would be like to wake up as a dog for a day!

  • Snack (5 min)
Today's Tip: Rowan loves animal crackers! Graham crackers are a good option as well. Drink some milk as well, and talk about strong, healthy bones!
  • Free Play (20 min)

Dot-to-dot number page, sidewalk chalk, cars with ramps, a box of recycled material for creating, sensory bins, etc. 

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